Choose a workflow that best suits your organizational practices. Safetymint helps you to easily create and implement your workflow onto sites.

Step 1

Navigate to the workflow panel by clicking Settings > Workflows.

Step 2

On the workflow page, you will find a “Create New Workflow” form at the right of your screen.

Step 3

You will have to fill the following form fields for creating a new workflow:

  • Title of the workflow
  • Select Site
  • Type of workflow (parallel or sequential)
  • Add Workflow reviewers (You can add up to 5 revisers for each workflow)
  • Lead time to complete reviews
  • Automated escalation point which is triggered when the reviewer does not complete the process within the specified time.
  • Forms and Sites that will use this workflow.

What next:

Edit Workflow

Delete Workflow

Understanding Workflows

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