Create your admin account to help set up workflows, customize permit forms, add new users, create roles, upgrade subscription plans and much more.

Step 1:

To create an Admin Account, navigate to the Get Started page and enter your work email address. Select the checkbox if you agree to our Terms and Privacy policies. Then, click on the "Sign-up for free" button.

Note: Make sure that you enter a valid email address, as this will be your primary username to login with administrative access to Safetymint.

Step 2:

You will now receive a verification link to the given email address. Click on the link within the email message to validate your account.

Note: You may want to check your Spam/Junk folder and mark emails from Safetymint as Safe to ensure that all emails land in your inbox.

Step 3:

When you click on the link to Validate Email, you will be directed to the “Lets create an account for you” page. You will be required to fill the form on the page by providing the following information:

Password (Use a minimum of 8 characters along with a special character)



Contact Number

Step 4:

Complete the account creation form and click on the Continue button.

Step 5:

You will now be redirected to the Safetymint Login page. Type your email address and password to login to your Safetymint account.

Have more questions? Email us at [email protected]