Set dashboard summary based on site:

Get a quick summary of all your Site-wise permit activity on a single screen.

Step 1:

Find your site by clicking on the Select Site dropdown button which shows you a list of created sites or by typing your site name.

Step 2:

On selecting your site, the dashboard will automatically summarize permit activities based on your selection.

Set dashboard summary based on date:

Get a consolidated view of all permit activities on your dashboard based on a timeframe.

Step 1:

Choose to view permit activities on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. You can also pin-point your timeline by clicking on the Filter by Date option and picking your specific dates featured in the calendar.

Step 2:

The dashboard will automatically summarize permit activities based on your selected timeframe.

Set dashboard summary based on permit status:

Get a consolidated view of permit activity based on their status. Click on the different tabs as shown below to filter permits view by their status.

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